GO Challenge

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What is it?

Starting Sunday, March 31st, we will be launching a third worship gathering as well as new worship gathering times.

8:30 | 10:00 | 11:30

The Go Challenge:

We are asking 200 people to give up their seats and move to the 11:30am worship gathering in order to make room for more people to come and hear the gospel. We are also asking 100 people to sacrifice their time by beginning serving on a Sunday serve team. With more gatherings, we need more hands serving. With more people coming through our doors, there are more opportunities to share the gospel. One of the ways we share the gospel on Sunday's is through serving.


As many of you know, our church facility is regularly maxed out in most areas. Our parking lot is maxed out, Bridge Kids is regularly overflowing, and on many Sunday's our auditorium is over capacity.

We know that our next step in order to make room for our city to come and hear the gospel is to expand to three worship gatherings. On Sunday, March 31st, we will be launching a 3rd worship gathering! If we want to continue to grow and reach people that God is bringing to our church, it's going to require us to expand.

The new worship gathering times will be 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30!

Lastly, this will not be the end. This is only the beginning. More will be coming. Greater growth and multiplication is ahead. I believe God has desires and plans for The Bridge Church to make a significant impact in our city and our region, and he’s not done with us yet. We will trust God as he directs our steps, and we will boldly walk in faith and belief that he will do immeasurably and abundantly more than we could ask or imagine.


Pray! Pray and consider giving up your Sunday morning seat and moving to the 11:30am worship gathering. Pray and consider serving on a Sunday serve team or increasing your availability to serve. We need your help to make this happen! Pray that our entire congregation would continue to step out in faith by moving gatherings or joining a serve team. Pray that our church would step out of comfort and enter into a season where we put people in the front seat and our preferences in the backseat. Help us make room for our city to come and hear the gospel.

The Word

We want to grow and multiply because of what the Bible commands us. God desires for his people to grow and multiply. From the first page of Scripture, we see God’s command to the newly formed family that they were to “be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth and govern it” (Genesis 1:28). This expectation is repeated to Abraham, that God would grow his family to be a “great nation” (Genesis 12:2) that would eventually be “more numerous than the stars” in the night sky. We see this expectation again of God’s people throughout the Old Testament, into the Promised Land, and even during the exile period. While in Babylon, God commanded his people “to multiply and do not decrease” (Jeremiah 29:7). 

And when we turn the pages of Scripture to the New Testament, we see a church in the book of Acts that grows exponentially. In fact, Jesus' final command to his disciples in Acts 1:8 shows us that the primary point of receiving the Holy Spirit was in order to be witnesses to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the end of the world. Quite literally, the church in Jerusalem grew by the thousands after Pentecost. And throughout the rest of the book of Acts, the church continues to expand, multiply and take ground in almost every major city in the Roman Empire. The church grew so much that by the 4th Century, over half of the empire had converted to Christ. 

Here’s what’s crystal clear from Scripture: 

God desires for the church to multiply his kingdom 

and take ground in the world. 

I will move

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